Safeguarding is everyone’s business. Here at St John’s and St Luke’s Churches we take very seriously the safeguarding of children, young people and adults who are vulnerable in our community.
We promote an open and safe environment at our Churches for our work with children, young people and adults. We follow safer recruitment practices advised by the Diocese of Leeds and the Church of England to ensure the right people are working with these groups in our Church. We promote training and support for the volunteers who provide care for these groups in our Church.
Annually we review and approve our safeguarding procedures. A signed copy of our policy for this year can be found here and the policy statement from the Church of England is available via the following link: Promoting a Safer Church
The Diocesan Safeguarding page can be found here or you can contact them on or call one of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors on 0113 353 0257. Should you have any immediate concerns Childline can be contacted via their website, the North Yorkshire County Council safeguarding team can be contacted via their website or via their emergency contact number - 01609 780780.
Our Parish Safeguarding Officers is Gill Clarke 07837 186435 / 01423 565129.
If you have a safeguarding concern you can complete this form and submit or scan the QR code.
For details of who to contact at St John's click here.
For details of who to contact at St Luke's click here.
Read our parish E-Safety policy document by clicking here
Details of our code of safer working practices can be found here
Our guide to a safer environment and activities can be found here