Artizan International (originally named Craft Aid International) was founded in 2013 by Susie Hart MBE (a member of St Luke's), on returning to Harrogate after 10 years of life and work in Tanzania, East Africa, where she set up a social enterprise called Neema Crafts. This centre provides training and employment for people with disabilities who would otherwise be street begging to earn a living. Having started with three deaf trainees when she began, on a start-up budget of just £400, by the time she left the centre was employing over 120 people with a huge range of disabilities, all of whom are now able to support themselves and their families with dignity and pride. She set up Artizan International on returning home, to pass on this model to other developing countries where people with disabilities are still living in poverty.
Susie has made this less-than-5 minute film to celebrate FairTrade Fortnight and help us think why it's an important part of our mission to bind up the broken hearted and bring joy to those previously living in despair. Watch the video by following this link:
You can find out more about Artizan International on their website at and visit their shop at to see the beautiful products made by differently-abled artizans in Ecuador and Peru.
Susie opened a new shop in October 2020 at 39 Oxford Street, Harrogate. When restrictions allow, why not go along and see the beautiful pieces they sell.