Lent Reading Suggestions
Reading for Life Group
Join us for daily compline, every evening on our Facebook page
Public Worship during lockdown 3.0 suspended
The Children's Society - donations from Christingle Services
Advent and Christmas at St John's & St Luke's
Christingle 2020 - a year with a difference
#thelightshines John 1:5
Suggested Advent Books
Parenting for Faith Course via Zoom - starting in January
The Advent 'Outdoor Explore' 2020
Annual Parochial Church Meeting - Tuesday 3rd November 7.30pm
*CANCELLED* A Service to Remember and Give Thanks
*CANCELLED* Advent Carol Service - book your tickets now!
Notice of our Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Alpha Course is back! Still time to join
A Time to Pray
It's Back! Not at the pub Quiz Night
Services from September - what happens next?