Generosity Week Letter from SImon
Harvest at St John's & St Luke's
Back to Church Sunday - 12th September... Who will you invite?
Walking Group - would you like to join?
Andy's final farewell as he leaves us for Dore.
Announcement from Andy Patrick
COVID update from the parish and Bishop Nick - 19th July
Cafe Church Picnic on Sunday 11th July, why don't you join us....
Thank you and Giving Review Letter from Simon and Andrew
Hembury's Latest Update - read what our Mission Partners have been up to this year
Thy Kingdom Come - ***UPDATED
Lay training being offered by the Diocese of Leeds
Clergy Letter for May - from Laura
Christian Aid Week - can you help?
Annual Parochial Church Meeting - this Sunday, 25th April at 11.30am, watch in person or via zoom
National Day of Reflection - 23rd March
Annual Parochial Church Meeting- Sunday 25th April
We are now in Fairtrade Fortnight, meet one of our Mission Partners - Artizan International
Alpha Online starting in March - come and join us
Small Groups... would you like to join one?